Based on the Alexander Popov International Innovation Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Communications (ETU LETI) with participation of the Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation, the annual AIWS SOCIETY LEADERSHIP MASTER PROGRAM of additional education there is. Here students work on the problems of social change arising from the increasing application of AI (Artificial Intelligence) into human life.

Наука 16+

Technology of AI is rapidly changing not only our profession, but also our entire life.

We offer a unique opportunity — to touch or even head these changes by mastering the AIWS LEADERSHIP MASTER PROGRAM!


You will be interested in the program if: 

  1. You are interested in innovation/IT/science in general or artificial intelligence in particular. 
  2. You want to be involved in changes related to AI going in all areas of life and even see yourself at the head of their implementation. 
  3. You want to acquire or improve existing leadership skills and soft skills. 
  4. You are ready to become part or even the basis of the world AI community.

We will be interested in you if: 

  1. You are postgraduate or master’s student
  2. You generally understand what artificial intelligence is and envision the scale and speed with which it changes not only our understanding of science and society, but also science and society itself; 
  3. You know English at the Upper Intermediate level and higher. 
  4. Your eyes are on fire or are you ready to light the eyes of other people with a single goal in the near AI future.

What gives participation in the program: 

  1. Experience with world-renowned professors from the Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation and Boston Global Forum (Professor Alex Pentland, Professor Thomas Patterson, Professor Mark Rotenberg, Governor Michael Dukakis, Mr. Nguen Anh Tuan, etc.). 
  2. Professional contacts with colleagues from abroad. 
  3. International certificate by ETU LETI and Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation.

Natalya Shevskaya, Scientific Secretary of the Alexander Popov International Innovation Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Communications, ETU LETI


Links for more info:

  1. About program: etu.ai/aiws-master-program-enrollme...
  2. VK group: https://vk.com/etu_aiws
  3. Application form: https://forms.gle/FSq8NVDUREPbw7VF9 
  4. Alexander Popov International Innovation Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Communications (ETU LETI) http://etu.ai/
  5. Previous webinar: 


Have any questions or do you want to join?

We are waiting for you on the webinar, register for the webinar here:


996 дней назад
26 августа 2021 19:00–20:30

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